
We at IOTASCALE offer Assured delivery of robust, scalable and high-performance application development services to help you mobilize the power of technology, consulting, and creation of path-breaking mobile applications.

IOTASCALE, a top-notch iOS and android app development company, helps you craft feature-rich, interactive, and elegant custom mobile applications to build a strong brand identity.

React Native
React Native

React Native is an open-source platform created in JavaScript by Facebook. It enables you to build mobile apps for both Android and iOS operating systems. They can work on any device and still use one codebase only.

React Native is a perfect technology to save on development costs, yet still have truly native performance and user-experience flexibility.

React Native features:

  • Mobile app development with React Native is done by using the same fundamental blocks. These UI blocks are the same for both Android and iOS apps.
  • In React Native, UI is made of native components which provide the platforms' trademark look. That's why even native developers can hardly tell RN apps from native solutions.
  • With native apps, debugging is a long and tedious process. But React Native supports hot reloading. It allows developers to immediately see how the changes to the code affect the app while it's running.
  • As long as you are not using extremely complicated designs and interactions, or you are not making a heavy game, you are still able to build high-performance apps with an absolutely great user experience.

Create platform-specific app versions sharing a single codebase with a core set of platform-agnostic native components that form intuitive UI building blocks