
E-commerce is the exchange of goods and services as well as the sending of money and data through an electronic network, most commonly the internet. These business dealings can be either B2B (business-to-business), B2C (business-to-consumer), C2C (consumer-to-consumer), or C2B.

The IOTASCALE Team is capable of handling any eCommerce task and managing all facet of an eCommerce strategy, taking a project from inception to a mature online merchant that is operating profitably across many marketing and checkout channels.


WooCommerce is an open-source, fully customizable eCommerce platform used by business owners all over the world.It is an open-source e-commerce plugin designed for small to large-sized online merchants using WordPress.

WooCommerce enables selling any good or service on your website simple and economical. It enables you to manage inventory, accept secure payments, sell both real and digital goods, and automatically file all of your taxes.

WooCommerce features:

  • WooCommerce blends commerce and content invisibly on top of the most widely used content management system on the planet. Everything user require is in one location.
  • Users can only add the options they want because WooCommerce is kept minimal. In order to preserve the features users currently adore, it is designed to work in conjunction with their preferred WordPress plugins.
  • With WooCommerce, users can sell everything, from tangible goods and digital downloads to subscriptions, content, and even appointments.
  • Since WooCommerce is completely open source, anything and everything can be changed or customised. Users can add an endless number of other users and items, accept an unlimited number of orders because they have total control.
  • WooCommerce comes with a built-in data analysis tool that will provide the users greater insight into your expanding business, even if the users have no prior experience with tracking installation.
  • Anyone can easily calculate taxes for their online stores thanks to WooCommerce. All you have to do is set the settings so that taxes are calculated automatically for each order.
  • WooCommerce's integrated inventory management system enables store owners to manage and keep track of every item in their supply. Additionally, users may keep an eye on every step of the order process, from tracking orders to shipping them.
  • WooCommerce enables users to provide their consumers a wide range of shipping options, including local delivery, international shipping, and pick-up from nearby retailers. Even shipping options can be limited if necessary.