
E-commerce is the exchange of goods and services as well as the sending of money and data through an electronic network, most commonly the internet. These business dealings can be either B2B (business-to-business), B2C (business-to-consumer), C2C (consumer-to-consumer), or C2B.

The IOTASCALE Team is capable of handling any eCommerce task and managing all facet of an eCommerce strategy, taking a project from inception to a mature online merchant that is operating profitably across many marketing and checkout channels.


Shopify helps small businesses in creating online storefronts to sell goods on websites or through social media, a well-known e-commerce platform.

With Shopify, retailers can create and personalise an online store and sell on a variety of platforms, such as the web, mobile devices, in-person, brick-and-mortar stores, pop-up shops, and various channels, such as social media and online marketplaces.

Shopify features:

  • Shopify provides a simple method for swiftly launching an online store without the hassle of infrastructure and the associated expenditures that come with self-hosted platforms like Magento. Since all the elements are rationally structured, the admin interface is clear, user-friendly, and quite intuitive. On the Shopify website, you may also find a wealth of documentation and video tutorials. Really, all you require is a saleable item.
  • A basic Shopify store may be launched without any technical knowledge because Shopify handles all software and hosting. This not only makes it simpler to get started, but Shopify's hosting is probably faster and more secure than users could achieve on your own, and it can easily handle any traffic spikes users might experience.
  • Shopify will handle all server upkeep and maintenance so that stores and shopping carts are always accessible and that sites load swiftly. Shopify also takes care of PCI compliance, and SSL certificates may be activated to encrypt all data and pass it through a secure connection (required when you deal with credit cards).
  • Shopify provides a free built-in mobile commerce shopping cart and all of its themes are mobile responsive, the store will look fantastic on all devices and your customers will be able to easily shop wherever they are.
  • A simple approach to potentially increase revenue is to use Shopify's abandoned checkout cart recovery service, which automatically tracks and emails these potential customers to remind them to finish their purchase.
  • Shopify provides its own Stripe-powered payment gateway. Users will gain from decreased credit card fees in addition to not paying any transaction fees. Additionally, using it doesn't call for a merchant account.