
We at IOTASCALE offer Assured delivery of robust, scalable and high-performance application development services to help you mobilize the power of technology, consulting, and creation of path-breaking mobile applications.

IOTASCALE, a top-notch iOS and android app development company, helps you craft feature-rich, interactive, and elegant custom mobile applications to build a strong brand identity.


iOS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. iOS first version was released in 2007.

iOS has generated $54 billion revenue in 2019 while the android app store generated $39 billion revenue in 2019. Apple Company has most of its users from developed countries. Apple app store has above 2 million apps.

iOS features:

  • You Can Sideload Apps From Outside the Play Store
  • iOS has a simple interface that helps its users to use the mobile device easily. If you have an old iPhone and you want to move to a new iPhone device then you will not feel any major change in the UI (user interface).
  • Apple users say that they have good experience using Google maps and android lacks some features of Google maps.
  • iPhone users have great experience in playing games. The games are built by top-notch companies and all games have to go through app approval teams. Only those games are approved which have no problem in their code and which can run smoothly in the device.

Achieve your business goals with exquisite custom iOS applications built by team at IOTASCALE.