Quantum BI

Quantum BI - Big Data Platform

Quantum-BI is a platform specifically designed to deliver intelligence to operators that can help them deliver packages to their consumers based on trends, usage and time etc.

Quantum BI Features

Fast Queries

Get Fast Analytics regardless of whether your data is in GBs or TBs. Quantum BI analytics queries have been benchmarked at less than a second for logs of over 1TB.

Extensive Insights

Quantum BI gives you a detailed and extensive insights into your systems and help you make sense of your data and generate Trends.

Multiple Data Sources Support

Syslogs, CSV, JSON, Apache Kafka Stream, plain text files or any other data source, Quamtum BI integrates with all.

Effecient Storage Compression

Quantum BI's major feature is its excellent compression without losing any analytics or speed of queries. Quantum BI has perfected the art of fast queries + best possible compressions possible to achieve the best of both worlds.


Common use cases for Quantum BI

Traffic Analysis

Traffic Analysis

Quantum BI allows integration with DPIs & Firewalls to get complete traffic insight flowing through the network.

Business Intelligence & Insights

Business Intelligence & Insights

Find out more about what actually is happening in your network through Quantum BI's extensive insights.

Daily Trends

Daily Trends

Get Daily Usage Trends for Top Applications and Protocols based on time (Day/Night)

Aggregated Firewall Statistics

Aggregated Firewall Statistics

Quantum BI allows integation with Firewalls for storing extensive logs and providing estimated throughput via extensive graphs.

Low Storage Based Compression

Low Storage Based Compression

Quantum BI specializes in reducing the footprint of your data and logs, only storing the statistics you need and allowing your to leverage your storage to the maximum.

Protocol Based Statistics

Protocol Based Statistics

Get Any Layer 4/7 Protocol/Application based statistics with a complete timeline.

Technologies Used

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